(843) 441-8338 call/text
(315) 409-5636 call/text
2121 Boundary St.
Suite 100B
Beaufort. SC. 29902
Call to reserve a date & time
Paint Classes, Packages and Prices
Canvas (size determined by panting) $50
Canvas Size Change $6
Wood Pallet Sign (any style) $60
Mason Jar Sconce $30
Mason Jar set (3) $25
Pimp My Canvas Abstract Painting $50
Open Paint (Self Guided) $35
Coastal Pumpkin $55
Mixed Media $50
Wine Glass Painting-2 glasses (coming soon)
Paint My Pet $60
Mommy and Me (up to age 5) $50
Kids age 4-12 $30
Kids age 1-3 (No Sketch) $20
Keepsakes-Baby $25
Keepsakes-Pet $30
Overage $15/half hour
Private Adult Lessons $30/Hr
Private Lessons for Kids $25/Hr
Kid's Art Class (specific project) $35
Birthday Packages for Kids up to Age 12:​
Party Package A​
Painting Party $165 (two hours painting time, all art supplies included, up to and including 7 kids, two painting choices from the kid's gallery)​
add black light/sparkle or face painting for $25
each additional child $30
Party Package B​
Painting Party $210 (two hours painting time, all art supplies included, up to and including 7 kids, two painting choices from the kid's gallery, black light/sparkle OR face painting included, AND an xtra hour for the kids to enjoy snacks, cupcakes and birthday gifts. You are welcome to bring pizza, snacks, cupcakes, juice boxes or whatever you'd like. Ice cream is encouraged in individual dessert cups only, a half gallon of ice cream is extra work for you!)
each additional child $30
What you're paying for is not supplies. You're paying for the artist's vision, guidance, expertise and time spent with you.
Gift Certificates available in any amount
Paying with PayPal adds roughly $2
Children must be accompanied by an adult, no exceptions.
Alcohol is permitted and I.D.s will be checked.
Wine and Paint classes are approximately 2-3 hours long. Please arrive at least 15 min prior to your scheduled time and be mindful of your time by using it wisely. Going over the 3 hours may result in additional charges. See Overage fee above. Any sketch requests not currently in our gallery require a non-refundable deposit of $20 at the time of the request.
Please read Cancellation Policy.
Thank you.